Jan 29, 2008

How to have fun on a day off!

Craig and I both had the day off yesterday. We began the day at the school board office to get the results of some testing Devin had done recently. It may seem a bit odd to have educational testing done when he is nearing the end of grade 12, but it has important implications if Devin decides to take any college courses. They were able to remove a couple of the original diagnoses that were made when Devin was 10. He has outgrown the adhd! This can happen in high school, particularly to boys. He still has some specific learning disabilities to contend with in the area of memory. Having this officially documented means that the college will be bound to offer various supports to help him, which could include a laptop and a person to take notes! Of course this is all somewhat dependent on Devin passing grade 12 and expressing a desire to go to college.
We next had some time to kill before taking nervous nellie (Caitlin) to the dentist for the first of a series of appointments to fill many cavities! We killed the time in a book store and then had a light lunch. Caitlin requires goofy gas at the dentist and for this reason she was not able to eat in the morning. So, she had the pleasure of watching her parents chow down.
Dentist appointments have always been an adventure with Caitlin. They have varied from outright screaming and kicking to hand clutching and crying. Yesterday went very well. The goofy gas was strapped on, her mp3 player attached firmly to her ears, a death grip on the assistants hand and then dentist was able to fill 4 teeth! She even dosed off briefly!
Next Monday we get to repeat the whole procedure.
As far as the weather goes, Alberta and Saskatechewan are out of order sending their arctic blast on to us! It is due to arrive tonight with very cold temps, tons of snow and strong winds! Yippee, can't wait. Bye for now - Joanne

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