So, Amy Winehouse was the big winner of the night. Her performance was, well, odd! Her loving tribute to her incarcerated husband, her song Rehab, and her bizarre acceptance speech (and I use the term loosely) were strange to say the least. For a woman who is supposed to be recieving treatment for substance abuse, she sure seemed out of it! By honouring her, it seems to me that the grammys are glamourizing drug abuse and law breaking. I am well aware that drug addiction crosses all socio economic lines and once it has hold of a person, it is very difficult to kick. But, with all the wonderful musical artists out there who promote clean living, good morals, decency and honesty, why do we honour the antithesis?
Kanye West performed a tribute to his mother who passed away recently. It was very nice, although not my style of music. But, here again, he is one of the big winners, when last year he whined and stomped his feet and threw a tantrum that would put any two year old to shame. This year his blatant self promotion was sickening! Yuck.
There were some fun performances with some very talented people - very much enjoyed the Tina Turner and Beyonce duet of proud mary.
Lest you think I watched the entire broadcast, nothing could be farther from the truth. I actually watched Extreme Makeover Home Edition - much more inspiring - and only turned to the grammy's during commercials. Just happened to catch Amy, Kanye, and the proud mary duo.
Tell me what you think? Am I way off base?