Hi everyone
my name is carl and im jackies waaay better half. So i guess that makes me a member of this fam damily. dont really know what to add hear, finally got out of fort mac or crack as everyone calls it. Now working in edmonton where i plan on staying till we pull the pin on this ab sooo loot ly ba eeeeeeeeeeewtiful province of siberia, oooops silly me alberia, doh! ALBERTA! Ah its not all bad though. Since we've come out here we've, gone from living on Poggie 9 months of the year, to actually being able to afford BEER. Now i havnt collected poggie for three years and am completely worked to death. I dont even have time for BEER! :( But on a good not we did buy a place we can call home, and ive even managed to find a little shop to work on my projects. It's always nice to know you'll never run out of beer too! even if i dont have time to drink it grrrrr! I am enjoying buying thousands of dollars worth of STUFF that i dont need and watching it never be used and collect dust to. Its sooo cool haha, take that case of beer in the fridge for instance..... (Jackie put that down i was kidding) oh too late its gone lol. Hey shes right though there are no preservtives! anyway that enough of me for now, hopefully a couple a more will chime in (if they can put down they're giunus <---- spelt wrong and honey ale mugs :) and tell us alittle about themselves hahaha.
P.S. Sorry guys jackie made me say it!
It's about time we had a new blogger on here, I was beginning to think that we should rename it the Jackie and Joanne page.
Thanks Carl for chiming in. Good luck getting out of Alberia! Loved that name!
Are you looking forward to moving all the "dust collecting stuff" back to Hope one day?
Carl got sent home from work last night as it was "too cold" only -45c with the wind chill, woosies!
anyhow I gave him beer and opened up the blog page, then I went to bed, haha.
And the dust collecting stuff has already taken over the storage room the storage cage and all the closets and then last night he wanted to set up his honking great big computer in the middle of the living room on the coffee table,ummmmm NO.
Yeah i cant wait to move home. i hate this dry snow, i like the big fluffy stuff :)
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