Feb 5, 2008


I started the new job yesterday, its great, except the poor feet are already sore and she has me booked on for the rest of the week, the customers are mostly old folks who are all regulars and all sweet as the pie we sell, im a sucker for old folks and there antics so going to love it lol. talking old folks, by bosses father is 104 wow, had to add that tidbit, thats amazing!
Carl headed off to work this morning too, he has taken a midnight shift job at Petro can refinery, he is there for days today doing what they call indocrination, showing him the ropes in other words.
Have left at least a million calls for the buggers who are supposed to be fixing this place and have received zero replies, unbelievable! I just want my stuff that is still strewn all over the house, back in its place, grrrr.
This cold snap is supposed to break today, and going up to -3c, think I will wear my shorts and sandals hehe.
Sad to hear about Don Sinclair, he has been in our lives more or less since we moved to Canada.
Well thats about it for today, have a great day and we need to motivate the other Duggans to get posting, I will have to mass email them all again!!

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