It has happened again. There I was, minding my own business, and it just showed up. I didn't invite it, I don't even want it here, but it came anyway. It creeps up slowly at first, and is barely noticeable. You find yourself thinking, "I don't remember these pants being this short" or "I must have the dryer on a setting that is too hot".
Suddenly, even the fat jeans have no extra room. The skinny jeans have been lost at the bottom of the closet. And the uninvited guest is there at every turn. I feel it wobble when I sit down and I hear it in the extra effort to stand back up. The winter spare tire has yet again made it's way on to my body!
I casually mentioned to my beloved that I would like to lose it before spring. He immediately jumped in to male mode and had all sorts of suggestions, one of which is that we join the Y!!! Poor deluded man, he has only known me for almost 32 years, he can be forgiven for not knowing my fear and loathing of all things sweaty. He must not have noticed over the past 32 years that I have joined him at the gym fewer times than I have fingers.
I prefer the solitary approach to weight loss. Start the day with a healthy bowl of cereal. Eat a low fat lunch. Open the jar of jelly beans for a mid afternoon snack, followed by toast and cheese. Eat a huge portion for dinner and snack on chips and dip before bed.
I will start jogging as soon as the snow goes away in June of July.
OMG - I laughed my head off on this one. I so hear you sister!!! My treadmill has been collecting dust, so much for my goal of losing 20 lbs by spring..... Maybe if we tell ourselves that we will lose the extra weight, it will just come off.
I thought treadmills were for collecting laundry - dust is a new use!
I would love to lose 20, but at this stage I would be happy with 4 or 5.
I have tried your method of telling myself that it will just happen, but so far that hasn't stopped my difficulty with hand to mouth!
The motivation might be that we will all see each other in the summer.
I am glad you enjoyed it, and even more glad you are visiting the blog!
So funny, I get paid for my exercise and I recommend it highly, just get a job as a waitress!!! there are periods, lunch time for example, where you do not stop running, my significant other says you have to sweat and get your heart rate up for it to be considered exercise, maybe I will not wear my deodorant one day and tuck my shirt in his lunch box for his enjoyment while he is sitting in the "shack" for the majority of his work day waiting for the next job order.....ooops once again Joanne hits on a sour note hahaha.
I spend all day on my feet, lugging huge dogs from crate to table to tub to table to crate......and so on.....and so far, keep gaining weight!
p.s. - I will send my shirt to you for the lunch pail - it will have the added pleasure of being full of dog hair and possibly a little drool!
Haha, ok sounds good, dog shirts sweaty shirts, either way knowing Carl...THE EPITOMY OF TYPICAL MAN, he will pull them out and think I was a little confused when I made his lunch, bring em home and throw them in the laundry! missing the point completely!
I think that one of those guys look like Ryan.(Front Left) I know its expensive to live in England but really. For Sale One Treadmill Hardly Ever Used, FREE TO A GOOD HOME. Jackie and Jo work is not considered exercise.
Was that Jeremy signed in under his wifes name selling her treadmill and saying we don't work hard enough to burn calories??????
Of course that was Jeremy - only he would sign off on a post from JD. Hmmmm... let's see there is Jackie Duggan, John Duggan, and Joanne (formerly Duggan). And by the way, our treadmill is not that dusty!!!
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